Have a home to sell in Lakewood Lee's Summit MO and curious as to how the market has changed over the last few years. You are in luck! Below you will find historical data on home sales in Lakewood.
When is the best time to list my house for sale?
The graph below details the number of homes sold each month over the last 4 years. As you can see, the numbers are all over the place! In 2009, July was a great time to sell a home in Lakewood. But this July saw the lowest amount of home sales, just one lone listing, over the last 4 years.

The moral? While certain times of year might seem to generate more showings on a home, the graph proves that homes sell all year long. The moral? If you are ready to list and sell your home, go ahead and do it. Listing during times that are considered slower (December through February), might generate fewer showings than listing during the summer. However, you will also have fewer competing homes on the market. And buyers that are sluding through snow and ice to see your home, are generally pretty motivated!
Looking for additional stats on Lakewood Lee's Summit Home sales? Be sure to search the blog for "Lakewood". Looking for other information that I have not covered? I would be happy to help. Let me know what you are looking for and I would be happy to email the information.
When is the best time to list my house for sale?
The graph below details the number of homes sold each month over the last 4 years. As you can see, the numbers are all over the place! In 2009, July was a great time to sell a home in Lakewood. But this July saw the lowest amount of home sales, just one lone listing, over the last 4 years.
The moral? While certain times of year might seem to generate more showings on a home, the graph proves that homes sell all year long. The moral? If you are ready to list and sell your home, go ahead and do it. Listing during times that are considered slower (December through February), might generate fewer showings than listing during the summer. However, you will also have fewer competing homes on the market. And buyers that are sluding through snow and ice to see your home, are generally pretty motivated!
Looking for additional stats on Lakewood Lee's Summit Home sales? Be sure to search the blog for "Lakewood". Looking for other information that I have not covered? I would be happy to help. Let me know what you are looking for and I would be happy to email the information.
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